The All-New Fantastic Four

A few months ago I posted, as part of a daily art project or endeavor or whatever you want to call it, an art featuring the line-up of Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Hulk, and the Ghost Rider who calls themselves the All-New Fantastic Four after the original FF's got kidnapped. Anyway, because I feel good today and really creative, I decided to color that Art work and post it here for you, dear visitor.

I'd like to thank Pen Prestado for lending his ever trusty water-color pencil to me (sorry Pen, I'll give it back once I got my ass back in Cam. Sur). I'd also like to thank PicMonkey for providing free photo editing services (you're the best!). I'll stop babling right now and let you enjoy the glory of the All-New Fantastic Four! :)


Phoenix Magik

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand finally, the last member of the Phoenix Five! Magik! This is my most favorite of the five pieces that I drew (although I botched her boots design, because I suck.. sometimes) over the past week. Any suggestion what I should draw next? Drop me a comment or tweet me at @MalaboersMataer. :)

Phoenix Emma Forst

Here's Emma Frost rendered in my style. Enjoy :)



Whew, I got some sad news for y'all, I won't be able to post any Phoenix today. Because my laziness got over me and is preventing me from coloring up today's supposed post. But don't worry pipz, I got some Daredevil goodness ready (and waiting in my hard drive) to make you happy. Don't worry though, I'll post both remaining Phoenix Five femme tomorrow so be sure to be back here. :)



To be honest with everyone, this is not an Original image, I just copied this Batman from an old comic book that I misplaced it seems. Can anybody remember from what comic book I copied this from? I feel bad not posting the name of the original artist I payed homage to. :)

Phoenic Five: Colossus

Excuse the horrible coloring job I did on Colossus. I was trying to make him shiny, so I tried coloring him metallic golden (and silver) water color pencil, but I ended up blotching the job and ruining the experience of drawing Colossus for me. I also hated the way I have drawn his right leg, eugh.. So to compensate I'll post an old Batman drawing I did 3 years ago. Enjoy. :)


Phoenix Five: Namor

This is part two of five artworks that I promised yesterday by postscript. Be back here again tomorrow for the rest of it.. Or rather another one of the Phoenix Five since I decided to release them slowly. So, there..

To be honest though, I haven't started reading the Avengers v.s X-Men comics although I have all of the issues sitting in one corner of my room. I just can't seem to have the time and proper mindset to delve into its madness.. Anyway, enjoy Namor in all of his Phoenixxy glory and be sure to be back here for the rest of the Phoenix Five.. :)


Phoenix Five: Cyclops

A few weeks ago, I drew something awesome at Pen's drawing diary which he (nicely) scanned for me. Well, a few friends saw it and decided that it was indeed something awesome. They (or rather he) believed that Marvel's Phoenix Five (which, unbelievably is not an awesome rock band) deserves to be drawn in my quirky and cute art style. So here's Cyclops in all of his cuteness, er, ferocious glory. This one's for you sir Dennis!  Enjoy! :)

P.S. before I forget, be sure to comeback here tomorrow (Pilipino Time) for the rest of the Phoenix Five. :)


Rain Fall

Remember this post: http://goo.gl/w0XYYS ? I was actually planning on redrawing the series and making it a bit more.. beautiful. As far as my skills can go, atleast. Haha.

I still hope to find some time to redraw that comics. But dang, between my work and Destiny (grinding) I just can't find the time and inspiration to start working again. I'll try to give it a go one more time.

Liza Majestic

I tried to MOVE on
But if I do, I'll leave behind
not just YOU,
but a part of ME
that will ALWAYS be
in LOVE with you


Daredevil Commission

A few weeks ago, a friend requested that I draw something for her. Since I was feeling nice at the time and I am not desperate for any cash (at that moment), I decided to give in to her request. So, I asked her, "What do you want me to draw?" She told me, "I don't know, how about you draw yourself?" I found the request weird. Creepy. And a bit cute. So I told her, "Sure, I’ll draw Daredevil for you." She was a bit dumb-founded with my reply, but she still agreed with me even if she doesn't know who Daredevil is. You might ask, "Who on earth doesn't know Daredevil?", well, she does. (I think Marvel should thank me or something, I just introduced one of their characters to someone who seriously doesn't care about comics or just Daredevil). 

That's it for now. :)


Wolverine and Cyclops

Just read the title XD
I'll just post this here. Thanks to Pen for scanning this for me. :)
P.S.  Click the link, there's a surprise waiting for you. 


Cats Back

I've been contemplating if I should post this here. This is one of my attempts on creating a dramatic comics using a cat as POV character. I actually finished drawing and scripting it. All it actually needed was a chance to be published. But after looking at my early attempts, I decided not to push with it and shelf it instead, so I can have the chance to develop the story further. But my chance to develop it become fewer then rare. This was my last attempt before shelving the whole idea indefinitely.

I'll just post this drawing here and hope that someday, I'll become REALLY REALLY inspired to continue and finish the story this cat witnessed.


Green Lantern

Finally a post after a quarter of the year of silence here. I actually drew this one when I started the dailyEtAl gig a few months back, but since this guy didn't fall into any of the categories I picked, I decided against posting him. But, after realizing that I have actual visitor that comes here to have a good laugh at my horrible drawings (yes, I admit they're horrible, so you can finally diss me at comment page below), I decided to post the drawings I did for the dailyEtAl but decided to not post it because it's either horrible or they're just random sh*ts that doesn't fall into any of the categories. :)